Steven K. Dixon 2021
Squadron: 102 Aircraft Name: Hotspur II
Position |
Name |
Rank |
Pilot |
Hector Chard |
FO |
Navigator |
Frank Blissett |
PO |
Bomb Aimer |
Clifford Shane |
PO |
Wireless/Gunner |
Alec Childs |
Engineer |
Arne Storm |
Mid-Upper |
Rowland Cummins |
Tail |
Patrick Weeks |
Mission Number |
Target |
Result |
8 |
9 |
Ijssemeer Bay, NE |
On Target 88% |
10 |
Stuttgart, GE |
Off target 5% |
11 |
12 |
Osnabruck |
Off target 5% |
13 |
Dunkirk |
On target 40% |
14 |
Bremen |
On Target 50% |
15 |
16 |
Dusseldorf |
On target 30% |
17 |
Wilhelmshaven |
On Target 100% |
18 |
Saarbrucken |
On Target 40% |
19 |
20 |
Vegesack |
On target 20% |
Credited Kills:
Mission No. |
ME 110 F-4 |
ME 110 G-4 |
JU 88 C-6 |
JU 88 G-7 |
DO 217 J-1 |
DO 217 N-2 |
HE 219 A-0 |
FW 190 A-5UZ |
ME 109 G-6U4N |
ME 262 B-1AU1 |
TA 154 A-0 |
DO 217 J-1
(Italy) |
8 |
9 |
1 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
1 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
1 |
1 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
1 |
Mission AAR
Previous Plane - Hotspur - lost on Rostock raid (Mission 7)
Mission 9 - First op with Hotspur II. Flak ships and night fighters off the Dutch coast. Ju88 holed fuel tank, which began leaking. Luckily a short op, so crew elected to press on. BA wounded in the calf by shrapnel before the enemy NF disappeared. Coming in on the deck over Ijsselmeer Bay for the mine drop, a/c was spotted by another Ju88, but TG splashed him. Bay clearly visible and mine drop went smoothly. Avoided flak ships on return leg. Bounced by Do217 intruder, but the TG got him too. Smooth landing.
Mission 10 - Takeoff OK. A/c bounced by Do217 over the Channel – TG received SW and tail turret knocked out. Over the Low Countries a Ju88 hit the port wing flap and a Bf110 hit the dinghy and stbd. wing aileron. But the crew pressed on. Thankfully there was little to no AA. A/c encountered severe turbulence over the mostly obscured target, which damaged both wings. Bomb run was subsequently off target. Turning for home a Ju88 further damaged the wings. Over the Belgian coast the ship was coned by searchlights and subjected to heavy AA. The MU turret and oxygen system was hit. Over the Channel a/c was once again attacked by a Do217, which knocked out the oxygen completely. Thankfully, coming in for landing there was no intruder activity over base. Smooth landing. TG Sgt. Anthony Jones (3 kills) recovered from his wounds (which incl. a broken tibia), but will not fly again and had to be replaced. Result: A/c moderate damage, Tail Gunner SW and replaced by Sgt. Bertram Witters, bombs off target (5% accuracy).
Mission 12 - Takeoff OK, proceeded toward Dutch coast at low alt. TG heating failed, otherwise the run-in to the target was uneventful. No AA on target approach, but was jumped by a Do217 – no damage suffered and a friendly Mossie likely drove him off. Target completely obscured and bombs fell mostly off target. Turning for home a/c evaded the searchlights but encountered a goodly amount of flak which hit the fuselage and started a fire in the O2 system. Thankfully, the MUG grabbed the nearest extinguisher and put it out. A Bf110 also appeared, and before disappearing knocked out the TG turret (but Sgt. Witters was unhurt). The rest of the op was much more eventful as FO Chard proceeded home at low alt. There was both flak and nightfighter activity over Holland. A Do217 showed up and sprayed the a/c with fire. However, to the crew’s immense relief the damage was mostly superficial. Over the North Sea the landing gear suffered some sort of failure, and manual lowering did not appear to have any effect as the a/c approached the airfield. Thankfully, the crew was able to prep for wheels up landing without intruder interference. However, as FO Chard eased Hotspur II down on the runway, it appears that the landing gear was at least partially deployed as it made contact with the tarmac. As the ship turned onto its dispersal the crew could finally breathe easy. One LL token was acquired this op. Result: A/c moderate damage from enemy fire + repairable damage on landing, no crew injuries, bombs off target (5% accuracy).
Mission 13 Gardening - An uneventful, almost pleasant op. Takeoff OK, proceeded across the Channel to Dunkirk at low alt. Dropped down on the deck for the gardening run, which went smoothly. The short return leg was without incident, and the landing went smoothly. Crew in high spirits at breakfast (one LL token acquired this op for five tokens total).
Result: A/c undamaged, no crew injuries, gardening completed and on target (40% accuracy).
Mission 14 - Takeoff OK, proceeded across North Sea at low alt. Jumped by a Bf110 which peppered the ship but thankfully caused little damage before he was downed by the MUG and TG’s combined defensive fire. A Ju88 and Do217 also joined the party but PO Chard was able to give them the slip. The a/c was not targeted by flak over the target, and other than a solitary Bf110 was able to conduct the bomb run in relative tranquility. Target completely obscured, but the drop was good and on target. On the return leg had one hairy encounter with a Do217 who came in fast and knocked out one engine, then disappeared. There were intruders lurking over the airfield, but Hotspur II was not targeted. Landing went smoothly and another op completed. Result: A/c light damage (No. 1 engine knocked out), no crew injuries, bombs on target (50% accuracy).
Mission 16 - Takeoff OK, headed toward the Dutch coast at high altitude. Encountered fairly heavy flak immediately after making landfall, and the ship suffered some superficial damage and once again the dinghy was holed. After enduring the searchlights and flak without further damage, Hotspur II dropped to low altitude over Holland for the run-in to the target. Thankfully the searchlights and night fighters over Düsseldorf were engaged elsewhere so the bomb run was undisturbed. Target mostly obscured, but the drop was good. On the return leg, once again the AA over Holland was quite active. The ship took a hit in the bomb bay which thankfully was empty. Several enemy night fighters were also in the area. One Ju88 made a pass but his tracers whizzed by harmlessly and he disappeared. The other Ju88 hit the ship and knocked out the master compass, but the pilot was able to shake him off as well. All in all, little damage was suffered considering the activity over Holland. There were Dornier intruders over the airfield, and one came close, but thankfully did no damage and after the first pass he disappeared. Landing went smoothly and another op is on the books. Result: A/c light damage (dinghy holed and master compass KO), no crew injuries, bombs on target (30% accuracy).
Mission 17 - Takeoff OK, set course over the North Sea at high altitude. A prowling Dornier appeared in short order, but the tail gunner’s eagle eyes spotted Jerry and shot him down. Halfway to the target another night fighter appeared and hit the rudder and stbd. elevator before losing contact. Approaching the German coast all appeared quiet, no flak or searchlights. No nightfighters were encountered as the pilot dropped to low altitude for the run-in to the target, which was mostly obscured. Pilot and bombardier were on top of their game and the bomb drop appeared to go in spectacularly well. Turning for home the searchlights, fully alert, coned the ship, but some ferocious corkscrewing evaded the beams. The ship was buffeted by heavy flak which exploded all around, and was rattled by at least one hit. The crew breathed a sigh of relief as the German coast and AA faded astern. The return leg was eventful enough, with a snooping Me110 claimed shot down by the mid-upper gunner. Approaching the English coast a Ju88 pounced and hit the port wing fuel tank, which thankfully self-sealed. Intruder activity over the airfield as usual, and once again a Junkers made a pass and struck the port wing fuel tank, but luck held and it self-sealed. Landing was OK and the thankful crew went off to their waiting eggs and bacon.
Result: A/c light damage, no crew injuries, bombs on target (100% accuracy), 2 x NFs claimed destroyed.
Mission 18 - Takeoff OK, proceeded toward the Belgian coast at low altitude. Over Belgium a Ju88 hit the ship and riddled the tail, and Sgt. Bertram Witters, tail gunner, was mortally wounded. Shaking off the enemy night fighter, the crew pressed on. The ship was suddenly coned by searchlights, and despite evading the beams the flak bursts peppered the fuselage. Thankfully, they appeared to cause only superficial damage. On approach to the target, Hotspur II was missed by the German searchlights but not the prowling night fighters, one of which hit the ship before disappearing. Target obscured but the bomb drop was good. Turning for home luck was on the crew’s side and the ship was targeted by neither flak nor fighters. The return leg was relatively uneventful, and the landing was OK. With heavy hearts the crew stood about, hoping against hope as the medics pried the lifeless body of Sgt. Witters from the mangled tail turret.
Result: A/c light damage, tail gunner KIA and replaced by Sgt. Patrick Weeks, bombs on target (40% accuracy).
Mission 20 - Takeoff OK, proceeded over the North Sea at low altitude. The outbound leg was surprisingly uneventful with not a night fighter to be seen, although they were known to be snooping in the area. There was quite a lot of activity by the time 102 Sqn. Arrived over Vegesack but Hotspur II was not targeted by flak. However, a Me110 made a pass as PO Chard was lining up for the target run, but defensive fire from the MUG drove him off. The target was completely obscured but the bomb drop was at least partly on target. Turning for home a Ju88 latched on to the tail. The a/c was hit but thankfully no serious damage was sustained—meanwhile quick action by the MUG and TG downed the Junkers before he did more damage. The return leg over the North Sea was similarly uneventful. A lone Do217 made a pass as the English coastline hove into sight, but PO Chard’s corkscrewing gave him the slip. There was no intruder activity noted over the airfield. Landing was OK. Result: A/c superficial damage, bombs on target (20% accuracy), 1 x NF claimed destroyed.