Steven K. Dixon 2020
Rules for the Campaign
1. Twenty (20) missions will be flown to complete each campaign. We will start Campaign three on January 15, 2023.
2. Three squadrons comprise our group, flying Lancasters and Halifaxes. Each squadron will not exceed 12 players.
3. Players signing up can designate which aircraft they can fly. If a squadron is full, I will assign you to another squadron.
4. If all squadrons are full, you'll go on a waiting list.
5. A player may miss as many missions as he likes as long AS I AM INFORMED. If no excuse is sent to me, it will be counted as an unauthorized abort. Miss two missions in a row without notifying me will result in removal from the campaign.
5. Send results of your mission via the form - click here!
6. When sending fighter claims, they should be in whole numbers. Be sure to include number of losses and what models were shot down. I will not track shares by individual gunners. Players may do that on their own. Players may send detailed AARs to me via email.
7. If you are shot down, and wish to continue please fill out the form and be sure to include your new plane name and crew. If any crewmen are lost on a mission, be sure to send replacement names through the form when you send in the mission results. If you do not wish to continue, please send me an email or include a comment in the mission results form.
8. When a mission begins an email will be sent to all players with target, type, base weather for takeoff and landing, wave assignments as well as the moon phase. A date in the report will state when mission reports should be filed.
Any questions email me at skd @